Companionway Hatch Fix
While rigging my boat, the boom came crashing down on the companionway hatch cover. The crash resulted in a crack in the cover: What...
Around the Americas in a Vega
The story of Matt Rutherfords non-stop solo circumnavigation of the Americas almost did not make it into this magazine. Clearly, this was not for...
Nonskid Test Update
Practical Sailor recently tested a nonskid mat from Soft Deck Inc. as a followup to our January 2012 report on do-it-yourself options for replacing...
Stuck Like Glue
Photos by Ralph Naranjo
Just about every sailboat owner has at some point mixed up a batch of epoxy to fill a hole, glue parts...
Ralph’s Great Adventures in Laminating
Technical Editor Ralph Naranjo equates spare time with boat projects. His basement shop/test facility has spawned a wide range of boats, boards, and parts...
Ralphs Great Adventures in Laminating
Technical Editor Ralph Naranjo equates spare time with boat projects. His basement shop/test facility has spawned a wide range of boats, boards, and parts...
A Copper Alternative?
‘This is a Test’With the M20’s indicator lights telling us the device was working properly, it began making a sound reminiscent of those alarm...
Liggetts Shampoo Soap
After reading PS’s November 2011 report on eco-friendly liquid soaps for onboard bathing, personal-care product maker J.R. Liggett sent us one of his Old-Fashioned...
Liggetts Shampoo Soap
After reading PS’s November 2011 report on eco-friendly liquid soaps for onboard bathing, personal-care product maker J.R. Liggett sent us one of his Old-Fashioned...
Mailport: June 2012
The discussions about the Fastnet incident in the May 2012 issue and the WingNuts deaths in the Mackinac Race (April 2012) both omit to...