Mailport: September 2013
In response to Whats in the Practical Sailor Toolbag? (PS, January 2012): How about a list of tools that a live-aboard cruiser should carry?...
Diesel Additives
Late last year, PS contributor Drew Frye noticed a fellow sailor practicing the classic downward-pretzel boat yoga position, trying to free a leaking diesel...
Silencing The Iron Genny
I really need to reduce the noise of our engine. Everyone seems to want to line the engine box to dampen noise. That scenario...
Where Credit Is Due: August 2013
Water Witch Two years ago, I purchased a Water Witch bilge pump switch. When it developed a glitch, I called Kathleen at Water Witch...
Mailport: August 2013
On strolling through Port Townsend (Wash.) Boat Haven, while I was having some work done on my boat, I saw this boat (photo at...
Seeing the Light on Night Vision
A few weeks ago, I found myself in the desert at night and reflected upon how much the wide expanses of sand and rock...
Rope vs. Wire Lifelines
Three years ago, I bought a 1968 Hinterhoeller HR28 from a local junkyard that had paid $250 for it with plans to salvage the...
Where Credit Is Due: July 2013
Progressive InsuranceAfter reading your article, A Sailor's Guide to Marine Insurance (PS, October 2012), I wanted to give a shout-out to Progressive Insurance (,...
Mailport: July 2013
A few issues ago, you had a short article on deck hardware (blocks, traveler, cars, etc.) that included Garhauer, and you mentioned that the...
Anti-Mildew Weapons
I was wondering whether you might have any comments on using bottom paint on the boats interior to help fight mold and mildew. Many...