Boat Maintenance

Anti-Mildew Weapons

I was wondering whether you might have any comments on using bottom paint on the boats interior to help fight mold and mildew. Many...

Mailport: June 2013

How thick is too thick for the buildup of old layers of bottom paint? This question arises because I have just finished painting the...

Dehumidifier Field Tests

Dampness and boating seem to go together like picnics and ants- not dangerous but certainly irksome. We recently tested desiccan't driers (PS, November 2012)...

Where Credit Is Due: May 2013

OGM / MISEATwo years ago, I replaced my incandescent stern light with a waterproof, sealed LED unit from OGM ( This winter, while the...

Summer Sailing Gear

Summers warm breezes and lazy weekends have arrived, so PS testers have put together a lineup of cool toys and tools for the dog...

Mailport: May 2013

In regard to your review of portable seats (PS, March 2013): Be careful! We purchased a low-cost, but works-well folding cushion seat (don't remember...

Where Credit Is Due: May 2013

Hella and PacWestWhile replacing all of the halogen bulbs on my boat with LED bulbs, I accidentally broke the plastic lens of one of...

Indoor Sailboat Refinishing

I am restoring old fiberglass sailing club boats (Rhodes 19s) in a confined, heated space in winter, and I need to paint the topsides,...

Practical Sailors Semi-annual Bottom Paint Test Checkup

After more than 30 years of testing bottom paint, you become a bit jaded when someone announces a revolutionary new formula. This time around,...

Best Boat Soaps for Regular Washdowns

Sticking to a regular boat bath regimen has multiple benefits. It not only keeps a boat looking good, but it also helps protect it...

The ALL NEW Catalina 426 Full Tour

The Catalina 426 is the latest addition to Catalina’s renowned fleet, designed for sailors seeking a blend of performance, comfort, and versatility. This 42-foot...

Latest Sailboat Review

Martin 16 Used Boat Review

The Martin 16 is designed for adaptive sailing so people with disabilities can easily control sails and steering. It is an excellent choice for...