Boat Maintenance

A DIY Water Filter

For those of you unfamiliar with Baja fuel filters, they are multi-layer strainers, purchased or handmade, used to filter diesel fuel of dubious pedigree...

Chandlery: March 2015

Get a Grip on ItIn Edgar Rice Burroughs early Tarzan books, his hero never swings from vines-but Hollywoods version of the ape-man isn't off...

Fixing a Moldy Waste Hose

I am a part-time live-aboard and sail from Maine to Grenada. I have a mold problem on my two-year-old Shields VAC XHD series 148...

Making Engine Oil Changes Easier

Some boat manufacturers have no concern for simplifying things, like changing the auxiliary engines oil, once the boat leaves the factory. But the process...

Chandlery: February 2015

Spend any length of time in the forward cabin, and at some point, youll want at least two things (with regards to hatches anyway):...

40 Years of Breaking Boat Gear

Practical Sailors 40th anniversary came and went last year without hoopla. We talked a while about marking the event with a stroll down memory...

Out, Out Brief Wiring Terminals!

Photos by Rod Collins Eurostrips, Euroblocks, set-screw terminations-whatever you want to call them-they are here to stay. Many companies supply set-screw terminations as part of...

New Anchoring Rules on Horizon in Florida

So far, no one at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has returned my phone calls, so Im left trying to imagine what...

Searching for Spray Shine

Is there a quick, easy way to get a glossy shine on the deck and topsides between the grueling wax-and-buff efforts? To find out,...

Taking the Other Way Home

ConclusionsThere are as many approaches to the cruising life as there are cruisers, and we don't claim our solutions are the best for every...

The UNIQUE Maxus 26 Lifting Keel Trailer Sailor

What is the best trailerable sailboat? One big feature is the mast stepping system. Today we look at trailer sailors like the Catalina 275,...

Latest Sailboat Review

Morgan Out Island 36 Used Boat Review

Most are familiar with Charles Morgan and his Out Island 41, primarily made to cruise and charter in the Bahamas, but not many are...