Converting an Anchor Light to an LED Tricolor Light
The cost of masthead tricolor navigation lights, a safety improvement many sailors add to their boats, involves expense beyond the fixture itself such as...
Checking Respirators for Fit
A respirator can't protect you if it doesn't fit your face. Its that simple. Anything that prevents a good seal-whether facial hair or a...
2017 Top Sailing Gear
Scott Rapid Dissolve Toilet PaperFollowing a carefully considered protocol that is not worth delving into here, testers took a second look at toilet paper...
The Best Respirators for the Boatyard
Although falling off a ladder or cutting yourself with a sharp tool are the most common boatyard injuries, damage from the foul air we...
Fixing Tears in Sunbrella Boat Canvas
Sooner or later, chafe, UV rays, and sharp edges take their toll on our canvas. A misplaced screw or simple friction will eat holes...
Getting Rid of Impossible Bird Poop Stains
I honestly hope you can help. Several weeks ago local seagulls had a sushi feast on my boat. The leftovers were large and small...
Esoteric Fibers Call for Epoxy
Theres little debate over the adhesive quality and toughness of epoxy resin-just look at where its being used. We hear about its presence in...
Descaling Solutions for Boats
In addition to all of that lovely salt, seawater is very hard, nearly saturated with calcium. All it needs is something to react with...
Mailport: Water Purification on Lake Michigan
Water Purification on Lake MichiganWould a filter like the one you featured recently (Effective Affordable Water Filter, PS October 2013 online) be able to...
One Hull or Two? It Depends.
The monohull versus multihull debate has been going on for decades, and for many PS readers, their minds are already well-settled on the subject....