Boat Maintenance

Good Intentions

Each fall when our test boat Viva is hauled for winter storage, I make a list of things to do before the spring launch....

Lifesling Goes Throwable

Were safety conscious at Practical Sailor. Readers know that, from the numerous articles about our in-the-water and bench tests. We rarely fail to comment...

I Can See Clearly Now: Cleaners For Plastic Windows and Ports

Walk through almost any marina and youll see that many of the boats-maybe even a majority-have clouded, muddied or scratched up windscreens, windows and...

Spare Parts 02/01/98

Portlight Gasket SourceIn the November 1, 1991 issue we reported on the difficulties-and a few successes-wed experienced trying to find obscure parts for our...

Spare Parts 03/01/98

Renault PartsReader Wayne Oastler of New Hartford, New York, wrote to say that he found parts for his Renault RC8D 8-hp. diesel from Renault...

Teak Treatments: Round Three

While a head-to-head comparison of teak treatments for longevity may not produce the breathless excitement of, say, a winter Olympics luge or curling competition,...

Rust Inhibitors: CRC Heavy Duty, Bull Frog & Lanocote Do the Job

Its been several years since we looked at rust preventatives, those coatings purported to protect marine metal surfaces against corrosion and oxidizing. Because rust...

Springtime in the Yard

Around here, situated as we are at the rear of the Ted Hood Marine Complex and next door to New England Boatworks, you know...

ITT Night Vision 260-A Star Among Night Vision Scopes

When the only thing that keeps you from going aground at night is an unlit channel marker buoy, a night-vision device suddenly becomes less...

Crimp Connections: AMP Super Champ and Ancor Our Top Picks

One of the most nettlesome areas of boating electronics is making dependable wire connections that will last for years. Because marine elements are conspiring...

The UNIQUE Maxus 26 Lifting Keel Trailer Sailor

What is the best trailerable sailboat? One big feature is the mast stepping system. Today we look at trailer sailors like the Catalina 275,...

Latest Sailboat Review

Morgan Out Island 36 Used Boat Review

Most are familiar with Charles Morgan and his Out Island 41, primarily made to cruise and charter in the Bahamas, but not many are...