Looking for the Perfect Inflatable Pump
The time it takes to fill an inflatable with air to the proper pressure is a function not only of the size of the...
Spare Parts 04/15/99
British SeagullReader Brian W. Pollard of Mount Desert, Maine, wrote in regard to an item in the July 15, 1998 issue regarding sources of...
Antifouling Paints: Year Seven
The summer of 1997 was the seventh consecutive year weve been running tests on antifouling bottom coatings. It was a year that saw an...
Liquid Wax vs. Paste Wax
Last May we noted in a brief report that a young fellow named Adam Boulay had given us a sample of a new liquid...
Rebuilding Old Blocks
There are tens of thousands of blocks in use whose sheaves are made of ultraviolet sensitive plastic. Over time, the sheaves deteriorate, become brittle...
Apseal & 303 Our Picks to Keep Canvas Dry When It’s Wet Out
If youve ever cursed your way through a sleepless night in a leaky tent in the rain, you know how important water repellency can...
PS Advisor 01/15/98
From Freshwater to SaltI plan to move from the Chicago area to North Carolina. My Catalina 30 has spent its entire life on Lake...
PS Advisor 02/01/98
Blister ProblemLast falls haulout for stripping and painting the bottom of my 1969 Pearson 35 lasted over seven months. By the end of the...
Good Intentions
Each fall when our test boat Viva is hauled for winter storage, I make a list of things to do before the spring launch....
Lifesling Goes Throwable
Were safety conscious at Practical Sailor. Readers know that, from the numerous articles about our in-the-water and bench tests. We rarely fail to comment...