Another Look at ‘Dustless’ Sanding
In “Dustless Sanding,” (see PS April 2016), we described a simple modification to a 5-gallon bucket that would make collecting dust from bottom painting...
What’s The Best Bottom Paint?
We consider two years to be the practical limit for antifouling paints, and we like to haul our boats every two years for other...
Sailing Triteia: Budget Bluewater Cruising
If I were to sum up, in one word, how James Frederick has managed to create his sailing life, I’d say “resourcefully.” The 49-year-old...
Why Choose the Wharram Design?
Gathered on the sofa, I fumbled with the HDMI cable, trying to connect my laptop to our TV.
“What’s this movie about?” Ryder, our eldest,...
Boat Improvements for the Technically Illiterate
My wife Amanda often asks fellow cruisers the question: Would you prefer to sail with an experienced mechanic who knew little about sailing, or...
Whats the Best Way to Restore Clear Plastic Windows?
Preserving a clear view through clear plastic on dodgers or enclosures is one of the most challenging tasks in boat maintenance. Restoring a vinyl...
Mastering Precision Drilling: How to Use Drill Guides
Poking a ⅜-in. bit into wood is simple enough. Place the bit on the mark, sight the drill from two directions at 90 degrees...
Giving Bugs the Big Goodbye
We're not naturally bug phobic, but when they eat our food, clothes or boat, something needs to be done. Since we don't like heavy...
Windlass Replacement on an Island Packet 40
At first I thought that standing on the V-head toilet and climbing awkwardly into the chain locker was funny. I tried not to think...
Getting a Clue for the Blown-Out Clew
How do you manage major sail repairs in remote locations? By using whatever you have onboard to get you home—or beyond.
After an easy three-day...