How I Made My Wooden Wheel
The reader will notice that the title is not “How to Build a Wooden Wheel”. I don’t pretend to be a carpenter or shipwright,...
DIY Salon Refit: 1979 Fast Passage 39
"Interesting, functional and downright ugly," were a few words people used when I mentioned the boat my husband and I had on Vancouver Island...
Rescuing Older, Self-Tailing Winches
I love my winches. Like a trusted companion, they have been with me through thick and thin and have always performed for me when...
Engine Replacement on Islander Bahama 30
There may come a time when repowering your cherished sailboat needs to be addressed. I suspected that not all 13 horses of the venerable...
Simple Lithium for Outboard-Powered Tenders, Daysailers, and Sport Boats
Lithium is cool. Your cell phone uses it. Cameras, laptops, flashlights … everything. But “cool” is not a reason. Fire is not a big...
Glues and Resins: Can Boatbuilding Be Regenerative?
The use of glues and resins is indispensable in modern wooden and plywood boat construction. Ahead of self-building a 41-ft. Wharram Designs Narai Mk...
How to Make Dodger Cover Canvas Pattern
For those of us with dodgers, we know how truly practical they can be. They protect the crew from wind and water splashes and...
What Are the Best Options in Hose Clamps and Barbs?
In “Stainless Steel Hose Clamps,” February 2016, we reviewed hose clamps by testing corrosion resistance and clamping security. Not a lot has changed; cheap...
Refurbishing the Inflatable Dinghy
Inflatable tenders have become the family car for many cruisers. They haul groceries, take us to snorkeling spots, shuttle guests, haul out second anchors,...
A Brief Modern History of Fiberglass
Fiberglass, also known as glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), has been an integral material in modern engineering and design, especially within the marine industry. Its lightweight,...