Cleaning Waxing

Sparkling Brightwork: Careful Attention to the Details

It takes practice to produce a perfect, mirror finish on varnished wood, but it is not so much a difficult task as an exacting...

Upgrading the C&C 33 Part II

Part 2-For hull bottom and topside repair, we love our Porter-Cable random orbit sander and WEST System Microlight Fairing Compound. Micron CSC bottom paint...

How to Restore Teak Wood on Boats

Probably nothing can make or break the appearance of a fiberglass boat more quickly than the appearance of the exterior teak trim. Contrary to...

Boat Maintenance: 18-month Checkup on Wood Finishes Test

Recommended coatings in the one-part varnish and varnish alternatives categories earned three Good or better ratings at the 18-month checkup, and those in the...

Mailport: November 2010

I’m hurt, and so is my boat Lady Lady. In your review of Rod Johnstone’s J/95 (August 2010), you said it was not your...

Marine Maintenance: Multi-purpose Cleaners Test

One popular marine catalog dedicates 14 pages in its maintenance section to marine cleaners, polishes, and waxes. Within those pages exist dozens of specialty...

Mailport: October 2010

I was disappointed to see in the August 2010 issue that you published a letter without an editorial caveat regarding the disparaging remarks about...

A Year Later: Liquid Wax Test Results 2010

Two years ago, we asked readers to suggest bottled waxes and polishes for testing and came up with a list of 27 products, ranging...

Mailport: September 2010

Here’s my input on some products you have reviewed: Barnacle Barrier (August 2003): Last year, I used Barnacle Barrier on my 19-inch MaxProp. When...

The Great Stickup: Practical Sailor Tests Marine Adhesives, Caulks, and Sealants

Putties and caulks originated as tar and tree sap, and probably were first used by Neolithic boatbuilders trying to keep water on the outside...

The UNIQUE Maxus 26 Lifting Keel Trailer Sailor

What is the best trailerable sailboat? One big feature is the mast stepping system. Today we look at trailer sailors like the Catalina 275,...

Latest Sailboat Review

Morgan Out Island 36 Used Boat Review

Most are familiar with Charles Morgan and his Out Island 41, primarily made to cruise and charter in the Bahamas, but not many are...