Inside Practical Sailor

Your Nautical Chart Prices Just Doubled

The price for U.S. nautical charts of the world effectively doubled on May 1, when the Federal Aviation Authority stopped distribution.Heres what I know...

Don’t Trash that Old Garmin 48 GPS!

Step 2: Unplug the wiring to make it more accessible.Step 3: Remove the existing soldered-in dead battery. Both wires should be green, note which...

Google Sky Map for Sailors

My brother-in-law showed up for an Easter weekend reunion with his new Android phone and a cool little app that I wish I had...

Tips on Preventing Mildew Growth on Boats and Sails

I've been growing several interesting varieties of mold and mildew at home. It is glamorous work, I know. While my wife, Theresa, disagrees, I...

Fast Cats on the Horizon

In the wake of last years article on performance-oriented monohulls, readers requested more coverage of multihulls. That report will be in the May issue,...

Traditional Sailboats: Bewitched by Some Sharp-looking Sharpies

I was scouting locations for a video Tuesday down at Historic Spanish Point near our offices, when I was magnetically drawn to the hard-chine...

Gear Graveyard: Expired EPIRB Batteries, Obsolete EPIRBS

We received the letter below yesterday from Practical Sailor reader Arnold Rowe. He was kind enough to let us share it (with some minor...

Cobra Handheld VHF with Cell Phone Capabilities

Cobra has been coming out with some interesting radio products at fairly affordable prices. Weve tested several of their products in recent years, and...

First Look at Interlux’s latest marine coatings

As Practical Sailor reported in the one-year update for our long-term wood finishes test in the December issue, Interlux Yacht Paints recently released three...

PS First Look: Selden’s Code X Furler

In Practical Sailors last review of Code 0 furlers, in the March 2008 issue, testers found many benefits to incorporating light-air sails in a...

Jeanneau Yachts 65 Full Tour and Review

Choosing between a monohull and catamaran was already hard, but Jeanneau just made it even harder. The new Jeanneau Yachts 65 is a monumental...

Latest Sailboat Review

Islander Bahama 30 Used Boat Review

More than a few years ago my wife Carey and I were looking to move up from our O’Day 25 to something a little...