Inside Practical Sailor

Rescuing The Bounty and the U.S. Coast Guard

By now most every Practical Sailor reader is probably aware of the fate of The Bounty, the tall ship of Hollywood movie fame. It...

Steer Clear of Stainless-steel Mooring Chain

We had an unpleasant, although not surprising, discovery this week as we revisited the topic of ground tackle. Many readers will recall that we...

Safety at Sea Seminar for Sailors Set for Oct. 20

For more information and to pre-register contact, Kevin Murphy at [email protected] /401.293.5207, or visit nothing compares to actual hands-on training, those Practical Sailor...

Mike’s Daring Experiments with Antifouling Paint

Practical Sailor owes a debt of gratitude to Sarasota, Fla., sailor Mike Collins, who offered his Cape Dory 25,Skimmer, as a test platform...

Are Retailers Misrepresenting Next-gen PLBs?

The August 2012 issue Practical Sailor examined how the introduction of satellite emergency notification devices (SENDs) like the SPOT was blurring the line...

Is an EPIRB Requirement on the Horizon?

Should boaters who travel more than three miles offshore in the U.S. or Great Lakes be required to carry an EPIRB, a personal locator...

U.S. Sailing Releases Report on Farallones Accident

It seems somehow appropriate that today, as I hopscotch among the islands of Irelands western coast, U.S. Sailing has released its final report on...

You Can Take It All With You! (Sort of)

Nesting cookware: A set of nesting pots and pans take up one-quarter of the space normally required. The heavy-duty set from Magma was the...

Public-Private Partnership Lifts New Leadership 44

Its not often that the sail-training program at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn., incites envy among the midshipman at...

Aegean SPOT Distress Signal Details Emerge

If you recently bought a SPOT Connect for its distress calling capability, or are looking at similar satellite messaging devices such as the SPOT...

HOW TO BUY A CHEAP SAILBOAT – $20,000 or less!

Buying a sailboat on a budget of $20,000 is easy! Today we’re looking at a Pearson 31, a Hunter 31, a Bristol 29.9, and...

Latest Sailboat Review

Catalina 34 Used Boat Review

American sailboat manufacturers have had their highs and lows, and many have dropped right off the map. But Catalina has been going strong for...