A Boat Maintenance Schedule that Can’t Fail
A good friend messaged me a photo the other day, the first daffodils of the season nosing up through the soft loam along the...
Should Crew Take Some Blame for Bounty Tragedy?
Author Kathryn Miles has written a gripping article on the tragic end of the Bounty, the replica of the original Bounty used in Hollywood...
Should We Care About the America’s Cup?
Will this year be any different? I am hopeful. For one thing, the host city-while not short on super-wealth-has a pretty low tolerance (by...
Choosing a Life Raft
Our recent article on life raft inspections included a comparison of the more common recreational packs.These basic items include paddles, sea anchor with line,...
Lug-a-jug, Lug-a-jug
While the rest of North America was soaking up the holiday season, our intrepid systems tester Frank Lanier and Managing Editor Ann Key were...
Highlights from 2012, Preview of 2013
I want to thank our subscribers new and old who have joined us on this voyage. I say voyage because, if anything, that is...
Testing the Kannad SafeLink and Mobilarm V100
The Type III life jackets, on the other hand, offered several attachment options that worked better. We tried a variety of Type III jackets...
Fuel Vent Rules Are Out of Whack with Reality
Well, the first year without subsidizing U.S. refiners and farmers for using corn to make ethanol-blended gasoline has passed, and the world didnt end....
Talking Olympic Dreams with Nichole Rider
People often ask us what we do with the gear after we test it. With a few exceptions, most of the products go to...
A Short List of Centerboard Cruising Boats
Being stuck on the west coast of Florida, with two shoaling channels offering the easiest access out to the Gulf of Mexico, Ive suddenly...