Go Now, or Forever Hold Your Peace
By now, some who read this blog regularly may be wondering if Practical Sailor will be covering the Americas Cup. The answer is ....
Do We Even Need AC Inverters Anymore?
Another topic that marine electrical pros feel passionate about is the DC grounding of the inverters case. It appears that there are a lot...
Trouble-free Deck Hardware Installation
Genoa Track UpgradeUpgrading your genoa-sheet adjustment system can be as simple as slipping a new car, control blocks, and end stops onto the existing...
The Sailing Books that Inspire Us
This year's family vacation finds us in Norway, where my wife Theresa and I are quickly mortgaging our childrens future in small bites (one...
Antifreeze: ethylene glycol vs. propylene glycol
In the July 2013 issue of Practical Sailor, contributor Drew Frye plunged into the not-so-funny topic of joker valves (if you don't know what...
Do-It-Yourself Water Filtration
One of the first things that you realize after a few seasons of cruising is that approaches to life aboard vary between two wide...
Solar Panels vs. Wind Generators
As the worlds largest solar-powered boat heads toward Miami for its U.S. debut and the start of a 16-city world tour, I was reminded...
A Second Look at Anchor Shanks
"Looking only at shank strength, this implies that the Mantus shank will be noticeably weaker than the Excel or Rocna. Both of these anchors...
PS Readers Divided Over America’s Cup Coverage
Frankly, these boats are so different from what we usually deal with, that its really hard to visualize what may actually trickle down into...
In Search of the Perfect Sailing Hat
Ever since October 2011, when the dermatologist announced that I had skin cancer at the age of 46, Ive been looking for good hats...