Inside Practical Sailor

Bottom Paint Makers face Irgarol Shortage

Antifouling paint manufacturers are reporting that Irgarol, a pesticide commonly used as a boosting agent in antifouling paints, is in short supply in the...

Barnacles Consume Test Panels at 18 Months

The widespread failure among all paints was the headline event this year, but of almost equal importance were the results of new bottom paints...

Making Sense of Our Ratings

Most long-time readers are familiar with our ratings categories-Best Choice, Recommended, and Budget Buy-but their significance might not be so obvious to new readers....

Installing a Deck Washdown Pump

You need only look at a couple photos in our report on anchor holding power in mud to recognize the advantages of a washdown...

Never Enough Rope

Editor's note: While clearing out the rope-cluttered cockpit lockers last week I was reminded of this fun piece by former PS editor Doug Logan,...

Roll-bar Anchors in Mud

In the February 2015 report on anchoring in mud we took a slight detour from our usual process, although we have done similar reports...

Pocket Cruisers Unite!

I've always been a sucker for pocket cruisers, so when Ken Lange, the owner of International Marine, offered the chance to sail the builders...

Aground! Vestas Wind’s Volvo Race Oops

Ive put enough boats on rocks and shoals and had enough near misses to sympathize with the skipper and crew of Vestas Wind, who...

Which Batteries Would I Buy TODAY for my SAILBOAT?

What is the best battery for a sailboat? What is the problem with lithium batteries on boats? Is AGM or lithium better for a...

Latest Sailboat Review

Beneteau 40.7 Used Boat Review

Beneteau began building boats in France in 1884 when Beneteau opened shop for the purpose of constructing trawlers at Croix-de-Vie. Eighty years later, under...