Revisiting the Cherubini Hunter 30
If you grew up sailing in Florida in the 1970s and 80s as I did, you probably spent many hours day dreaming and looking...
Hidden Risks of Life Jackets
Rule one: Wear a personal flotation device (PFD).
Rule two: Wear the right PFD for your on-the-water activity.
Rule three: Know what to do when your...
Keel Bolt Repair Options
In a few of our past reports on boat financing, Practical Sailor discussed how to pre-inspect your potential dreamboat before committing to the next...
Clipper Fatality Highlights Adventure Sail Risks
This adventure sail event was concieved by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston in 1995, and over the next two decades the race has been run under...
Choosing a Sailmaker
Historically, fall has been the best time to order new sails. Boat show specials abound and you have plenty of wiggle room on...
Tips for the Havana Daydreamer
Yacht Pilots Cruising Guide to Cuba by Capt. Cheryl Barr ($50) is another relatively new book, published in 2013, and it has updated some...
Florida Anchoring Battles Begin Anew
While the Florida Senate approved House Bill 1051 prohibiting anchoring in parts of Miami-Dade County, over on Floridas west coast, a live-aboard sailor in...
Swaged Rigging Terminal Failures Raise Concern
Among the many chores to add to the spring to-do list, a rig inspection should rank high. For sailors in the higher lattitudes who...
Bottom Paint Anti-slime Additive Goes Away
CHOOSING A BOTTOM PAINTOur advice for choosing a bottom paint remains the same as always: Make sure the paint is compatible with your existing...
Darwin, barnacles, and organ envy
The act of settling is equally impressive-no messing around with surveys, mortgage notes, or down payments. The cyprid picks a spot to land, secretes...