Inside Practical Sailor

Summer Squall Sailing Tactics

Squall TipsKeep in mind, there are plenty of exceptions to these rules of thumb-but as Burch puts it, you have to start somewhere.Taller clouds...

A Simple Solution for Boat Toilet Stink

Your home toilet receives a plentiful washing and a dose of disinfectant every time it is ­ flushed thanks to chlorinated city water piped...

The Pro’s Guide to Restoring Gelcoat

Our test of aggressive rubbing compounds for heavily oxidized fiberglass hulls also gave us an opportunity to look at the tools and techniques involved...

Ham Versus SSB for the Sailor

Both the marine radio and ham radio services use the same type of modulation, called single sideband. So when a fellow sailor says they...

Making a Case for Sodablasting Your Hull

Quick. Whats your least favorite boat maintenance project? Cleaning the bilge? Changing the engine oil? ... How about stripping off several years worth of...

The Best Sailboats for the High Seas?

At the St. Petersburg Boat Show month last month, I had the pleasure of seeing delivery skipper and author John Kretschmers presentation on what...

Buyers Beware of Post-Storm Bargains

Hidden structural failure - Mast, keel, and rudder loads spread throughout the boats hull. This means that a simple grounding can cause damage in...

The Ultimate Test Boat Test

These past few years, Ive been the fortunate witness to the rebirth of a boat and the marvelous effects that sailing can have in...

Can a Snubber Hook Weaken Your Rode?

The article states: We think any device promoted for attaching a snubber to an anchor chain should not detract from the strength of the...

The Chilling Facts About Cold Water Survival

After living in Florida for so many years, it is easy to forget the risks associated with colder waters, vividly demonstrated in a video...

Catalina 356 Cruising Sailboat with BIG Features!

Thirty-six-foot Sailboats didn’t always have aft cabins, island beds, in-mast furling, electric windlasses and winches. The all-new Catalina 356 is a couple’s cruising boat...

Latest Sailboat Review

Ranger 33 Used Boat Review

The Ranger Yacht division of Jensen Marine was created in 1969 to build performance-oriented boats designed by Gary Mull. Jensen’s Cal division had been...