Inside Practical Sailor

The Do-it-Yourself Sail Track Cleaner

Racers demand lightning-fast hoists. Cruisers tire of the effort required to grind a heavy main up a sticky track. Roller furler foils that have...

Getting a Grip on Sailboat Ergonomics

With more than four decades in the business of designing and building boats, Catalina Yachts chief engineer and designer Gerry Douglas has had a...

What’s the Probability? Weather Rock Stars Convene.

A changing climate brings changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events in Atlantic and Pacific basin, another reason to hone your...

Helping Your Boat Battery Survive Winter Storage

Few things are more disappointing than coming back to your boat in the spring and discovering that one or more of your boats batteries...

End boom vs. mid-boom sheeting

For centuries, a battle between simplicity and sail-trimming efficiency has been waged. Racers love double-ended sheeting that leads to the outboard end of the...

Tether Clip Update

VideosSince this main body of this report was first published in December 2018, Practical Sailor tester Drew Frye has been hard at work examining...

Check Your Safety Tethers

6. The tether snap-hook, at the boat-end of the tether, should be attached to a jackline or padeye designated for that purpose. Our preliminary...

PFD-Harness Good Sense

In the wake of the recent fatal accident in the Clipper Around the World Race, we look again at the hard won guidance on...

Marine Antifreeze Problems: When Pink Antifreeze Freezes

There's nothing like buying several $3 bottles of marine antifreeze to protect your $30,000 boat, then coming home to discover the unused bottles frozen...

Loose Ships Sink Sailboats

Two different harbors suffered almost the same fate as Hurricane Irma raked South Florida with hurricane force winds. In both places, tens of thousands...

Which Batteries Would I Buy TODAY for my SAILBOAT?

What is the best battery for a sailboat? What is the problem with lithium batteries on boats? Is AGM or lithium better for a...

Latest Sailboat Review

Beneteau 40.7 Used Boat Review

Beneteau began building boats in France in 1884 when Beneteau opened shop for the purpose of constructing trawlers at Croix-de-Vie. Eighty years later, under...