Inside Practical Sailor

Quick and Dirty Anchor Shank Strength Test

So you've read our many reports on anchor shanks, and you're thinking, I wonder what kind of steel my anchor shank is made of?...

A Better Hand Grip

The very first project tackled on my new-to-me catamaran a decade ago was to wrap the helm wheel with line. Our delivery trip home...

Coast Guard Warns of Radio Interference from LEDs

Back in 2010, Practical Sailor and others raised the alert that a conversion to LED navigation lights can have some unintended consequences, including distorted...

Marine Fuel Vent Filter Maintenance

In this months issue of Practical Sailor magazine we look at the effectiveness of sealed bags designed to prevent corrosion of onboard spare parts...

Celestial Navigation and Weather Classes on Tap

If you're headed to the U.S. Sailboat Show in Annapolis October 4-8, we encourage you to stick around a few days to pick up...

The Norwegian Approach to Teak Deck Care

A day after clawing my way through the sea of tourists descending from Norway's most photographed spot, the precipitous ledge known as Priekestolen, it...
Prefilter 50 Gallon

Decontaminating a Tainted Water Tank

Those of you who missed our report on how a weak winterizing solution can create a Sandals Beach Resort for waterborne bacteria may be...

A One-sided Defense of the Cruising Ketch

This week I had the opportunity to poke around a ketch-rigged Pearson 424 that was for sale in the neighborhood, and although they've generally...

Fuel Additives: Snake Oil or Good Science?

As one who has spent many hours in exotic locations, cycling bad diesel fuel through a make-shift filtration system, I am as vulnerable as...

Rethinking Anchor Shank Strength

One topic often overlooked in any anchor discussion is shank strength. Yet bent anchor shanks are hardly rare, especially among low budget varieties. We...

Which Batteries Would I Buy TODAY for my SAILBOAT?

What is the best battery for a sailboat? What is the problem with lithium batteries on boats? Is AGM or lithium better for a...

Latest Sailboat Review

Beneteau 40.7 Used Boat Review

Beneteau began building boats in France in 1884 when Beneteau opened shop for the purpose of constructing trawlers at Croix-de-Vie. Eighty years later, under...