Belowdecks & Amenities

Feeling the Breeze

There are really three reasons we ventilate; in summer to beat the heat, in the off-season to fight moisture build up from cooking and...

Rhumb Lines: Beating the Heat at Anchor

This month’s article on ventilation got me thinking about how the current situation will impact living aboard in marinas. During 10 years of living aboard,...

A Trash Compactor and a Drip Guard

It seems anomalous, but whether at home or on the boat, when we bring X volume of goods in, they expand to X+20 percent...

A Little PS Winter Reading

With winter upon us, and boats sitting on the hard in many places, its a good time to troubleshoot or update systems, and to...

Liveaboard Sailors Laundry Hacks

At home, laundry is about removing grease, grass, and coffee stains without damaging the fabric of the clothing. Energy and water efficiency only matter...

Measure, Cut, Glue and Repeat

Generally, a deep locker will have a recessed lid. Some modification may be needed to fit locker bags.

Bottomless Lockers Be Gone

Storage is a challenge on small boats, and my new-to-me Corsair Marine F-24 trimaran was particularly Spartan this regard. The skinny hulls provided minimum...

Mailport: oil filters, cabin fans, Catalina 22, Hunter 30, watermakers

OIL FILTER DESIGN FAUX PAS With regards to your recent marine oil filter tests (see PS July 2019, Marine Oil Filter Comparison Test), having spent...

Sailing into the Golden Age of Hook-and-Loop Fasteners

Hook and loop fasteners are familiar from jacket cuffs and companionway bug screens, but during our many years of fiddling around boats, weve come...

Ultraflex Debuts Variable Speed AC

In the June 2018 article Air Conditioning for Sailboats, we compared several options for 12-volt air conditioning on boats, and more recently we looked...

The 51 Foot Wharram Catamaran He Finally Found!

If you’ve ever wanted to build your own sailboat, you’ve undoubtedly come across Wharram Catamarans. These home-built DIY sailboat plans are a big hit...

Latest Sailboat Review

Vancouver 27 Used Boat Review

I was single handed on our Islander Bahama 30 on a spectacular fall afternoon, white caps dancing on the blue waters of Plumper Sound...