marinCool Peltier Effect Refrigeration
Just as theres more than one way to skin a cat, theres more than one way to chill a beer. Serious cruisers usually opt...
Isotemp and Super Stor Earn Best Ratings Among 7 Water Heaters
When one compares the list of standard equipment on a boat built in the late 1980s or 90s to a boat built during the...
Pressured to Cook?
Mention the words “pressure cooker” and nearly every cook can volunteer a tale of woe. Steven King’s novels hold no terror for cooks who...
PS Advisor
Flying With CO2 CanistersPart of my racing is in the Lake Superior offshore series, though my home is in Florida. I was planning on...
Deck Vents: Nicros Water Trap and Plastimos Cool n Dry are Clever and Effective
Cowls are descendants of simple vent pipes on sailing ships, cousins to the famed Charley Noble over the galley. When ships acquired engines below,...
Fabric Hatch Vents: The Breeze Booster Outdraws Windscoop
Theyre not for use underway, but hood-shaped fabric air scoops can be a godsend when theres but a slight breeze stirring the heat. Theres...
Cabin Fan Test: Hella, Caframo Blow Best Breeze for the Buck
There are lots of things that can make being aboard a boat unpleasant. Among them: Too little wind, seasickness, crowded waterways, rain, guests with...
Special Section – VentillationLet the Merry Breezes Blow!
On stock production boats, its often said that the primaries are too small, the head needs upgrading and the cabin is poorly ventilated.The latter...
Fabric Hatch Vents: The Breeze Booster Outdraws Windscoop
Theyre not for use underway, but hood-shaped fabric air scoops can be a godsend when theres but a slight breeze stirring the heat. Theres...
Special Section – VentillationLet the Merry Breezes Blow!
On stock production boats, its often said that the primaries are too small, the head needs upgrading and the cabin is poorly ventilated.The latter...