Diesel Tank Vent Filters
Over the last two years, Practical Sailor has dug deeply into ways to keep gasoline and diesel fuel tanks healthy. Weve investigated ethanol phase...
Installation Best Practices for Fuel Systems
The Coast Guard and the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) have worked together to develop general installation guidelines for the carbon canisters required...
Diesel Fuel System Maintenance Best Practices
Dont look to tank vent filters and fuel additives to solve real fuel-system problems. They are only ancillaries to regular fuel system-management and maintenance,...
Keeping Fuel, Water in their Place
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the American Yacht and Boat Council (AYBC) are requiring devices that prevent foam and splash during fueling and...
Fine-tuning Fridge Efficiency
ConclusionAt the end of the day, we found that efficiency is more a matter of timing than compressor RPM. Ideally, every time you need...
Effective, Affordable Water Filter
Gross-tasting water is too often a sad fact of life aboard many sailboats. Even after correcting issues such as algae-filled, blackened hoses, daysailors and...
Curing the Tainted Tank
We filled our water tanks (40 and 72 gallons) in May, and now the water is brackish, brown. Have you done a study on...
The Great Ice Hunt
I remember where and when we gave up. Eleuthera. Summer. A day of vision-blurring, morale-melting heat.Toscas crew hid under a slice of shade in...
All is Lost and Found
A photographer friend stumbled upon this photo of my wife, Theresa, from our cruising days. It was taken in Fiji around 1995. She doesn't...
Mailport: August 2013
On strolling through Port Townsend (Wash.) Boat Haven, while I was having some work done on my boat, I saw this boat (photo at...