The Traveler that Doesn’t Travel


A common argument for twin sheets is safety since the most powerful sail on the boat is also the most dangerous, but a traveler used correctly is just as safe.

  1. A boom brake can help control a jibe, but it is not the same as having a mainsheet that will set and hold.
  2. For testing twin sheets we attached the sheet leads to the trimaran’s beams using a strap with D-rings at each end.
  3. When reaching the two sheets combine to help control the height of the boom above the deck.
  4. The twin-sheet arrangement on the Corsair F-24 test boat can be swapped for a conventional mainsheet quickly for comparison.

    In addition to the twin-sheet arrangement described in the adjacent article, Practical Sailor has looked at various techniques to trim and tame the mainsail. Many of the measures are relatively inexpensive and are simple to carry out.

Some related reports include:

The Multifarious MainsheetPS May 2013.

Tools to Tame the JibePS July 2017.

Testers Examine Running Rigging Options,” PS November 2010.

Undoing Mainsheet Twist.PS February 2018.

Taming the Main: Sail-Handling Systems for Bigger Mainsails,” February 2008.