Exploring the PS Archives


Brighter, warmer days may seem far away in the northern regions of the planet, but spring sneaks up faster than we imagine, which means it’s time to start on that pre-
season to-do list.

— We evaluated snatch blocks in the July 2007 issue, looking at blocks from Antal, Garhauer, Harken, Lewmar, Schaefer, and Wichard. In the August 2008 issue, we featured a test update that put a line of blocks from Ronstan in the mix.

—Testers dove into the crowded world of shackles in the July 2014 issue. Now is a good time to inspect old shackles for signs of wear or failure, and to replace any that are questionable.

—If you’re upgrading your running rigging to high-tech lines, you’ll want to consider replacing your old rope clutches too. In the November 2014 issue, we reviewed a range of new rope clutches engineered to be grippier to handle today’s slick, high-tech fiber rope. 

  • If you unstep your mast each winter, it’s a great time to cleanup those halyards and sheets. Before you do, be sure to read our extensive report on washing ropes in the July 2011 issue. It answers those often-asked questions like whether you should use bleach or fabric softener; should they be laundered in a washing machine or bucket? The January 3, 2019 Inside Practical Sailor blog post offers a short recap of the article as well.
  • Another chore you can cross off is cleaning—or clearing—foggy Eisenglass. In the May 2014 issue, we reviewed several products designed to clean or revive aged, clear-vinyl windows.
  • Rewiring this winter? Check out our e-book series on electrical systems. The series includes volumes on batteries; electrical system installation (grounding and lightning protection); alternative energy; AC systems; and panels, charging, and monitoring. Check it out at our online bookstore at www.practical-sailor.com.