Application Tip: Use the ‘Slosh’ Treatment Plan


We keep a spray bottle of pre-diluted BAC and a smaller bottle of pre-diluted GoldShield on the boat for PFDs, harnesses, rain gear, and smelly lockers. But dry suits are a challenge. It is easy to miss spots, and most drips off. It is less wasteful to treat the suit insitu. Leave it right-side out, close the zipper, and plug the cuffs with soda cans and the neck with a ½-gallon bottle. Pour a quart of solution into the suit and slosh it around. See “Biostatics” in article text for full discussion.

  1. A tub or shower simplifies treatment. The suit is allowed to soak for a few hours before hanging up to dry. Bottles and cans seal the suit.
  2. The bottom teak panel was treated with the biostatic Gold Shield 75, which proved highly effective to keeping mildew at bay.