Morgan Out Island 36 Used Boat Review

Consider this forgotten pocket cruiser for both freshwater sailing and Bahamas cruising.

The saloon of a well-kept 36 looking forward to the V-berth. The center-cockpit, aft-cabin configuration meant a cruising couple could enjoy plenty of privacy. Photo courtesy of

Most are familiar with Charles Morgan and his Out Island 41, primarily made to cruise and charter in the Bahamas, but not many are familiar with the Out Island 36. The internet is littered with information, pictures and data of the 41, but finding information or a sailor with an OI 36 is not so easy.

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Ray Ville
Ray Ville has been a Navtech Certified Marine Surveyor since 2009. He has surveyed vessels in Canada and the Dominican Republic, where he currently resides. During the summer, he flies back home to Canada and lives aboard his 1982 Mirage 33 in the North Channel of Lake Huron.