Storms and Seagulls
Brian Pollard wrote, Reference your excellent article Rogues Waves Do The Damage (January 1, 2000), your readers should know of the book Fatal Storm by Rob Mundle, published by International Marine. This book has some of the finest storm photographs I have ever seen. The author talks about the experiences of the participants, and it is therefore a wonderful companion to your article.
I have new information on British Seagull. A well established British boatyard and chandlery has taken over, and is planning to both continue stocking Seagull parts and possibly introducing new models. Their address is: British Seagull, Moulsford, Oxfordshire OX10 9HU England; e-mail info@british Phone 01491 652755.
-Brian Pollard
Sparkman & Stephens Association
Recently we received the following letter from Robert Pemberton, secretary of the Sparkman & Stephens Association, South-East Region, United States:
The Sparkman & Stephens Association, an England-based association of S&S-designed boats, is interested in expanding membership in the United States. Owners of any of the 2,000+ S&S boats are invited to participate in this growing organization, which has members in over 17 countries. The association publishes a quarterly newsletter, sponsors regional activities and provides support to members through an extensive archive of information on many of the S&S designs. Anyone interested should contact Robert Pemberton at 803/773-2160 or email at [email protected].
Micrologic GPS
In the December 1999 issue we gave contact information for several companies that can get Micrologic GPS back up and running following the endless sleep induced by last years rollover of the GPS system. Micrologic is out of business and cannot help. Reader Laurence Raymond of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida wrote to say that another company, AVMAR Technical Services, can update Micrologic GPS such as the Admiral. Contact AVMAR at 8385 Piney Orchard Parkway, Odenton, MD 21113; 410/672-1229 or 3997.