Renault Parts
Reader Wayne Oastler of New Hartford, New York, wrote to say that he found parts for his Renault RC8D 8-hp. diesel from Renault Marine Diesel, PO Box 5595, San Leon, TX 77539; 281/339-1465; 281/339-1641 fax. He said they are open Tuesday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. They also carry parts for Nanni engines. Wayne, who owns a 1980 Seaforth sloop, said he found the Renault Marine Diesel folks helpful.
Alajuela 33 Owners
Gerald F. Knight asks that Alajuela 33 owners contact him with their name, boat name, address and telephone number for inclusion in a possible future newsletter. Contact Gerald Knight at 3705 Arctic Blvd., Box 612, Anchorage, AK 99503; 907/278-7999.
Allmand 31 Owners
Stephen Witt would like to share information with other Allmand 31 owners. Contact him at 134 Sunrise Ct., Oconto Falls, WI 54154-1261; 920/846-3843. e-mail: [email protected].
Chris Craft Owners
Robert Pemberton of the Antique Boat Club recently wrote to inform us that his organization is forming a sailboat division to educate the boating community about these boats and bring together those that still sail them. The boats he refers to include the Comanche 42, Apache 37, Cherokee 32, Capri 30 and Caribbean 35 motorsailer, all built during the late 1960s. Pemberton says these boats will be given recognition in the clubs newsletter, The Brass Bell, as well as its own newsletter.
Contact Pemberton at 209 Haynsworth, Sumter, SC 29150; 803/773-2160.
Incidentally, in the August 1, 1993 issue, we published a similar request to hear from owners of the so-called Indian boats, the Apache and Comanche sailboats from Robert Gibbons, Box 637, Marion, MA 02738.