Batteries, Cleaners & More


As a subscriber, you have free access to our back-issue archive—more than 2,000 articles. Here are a few topics you might find relevant this season.


Nothing is so frustrating as starting off the summer with a battery that won’t hold a charge. A new battery is a waste if your system is the root of your woes. For insight into how to prolong battery life see the Inside Practical Sailor blog post “Don’t Kill that New AGM Battery,” as well as our recent battery test (see “Deep Cycle Marine Battery Test,” March 2006), and Andy O’Grady’s advice on extending the life of wet-cell batteries in the October 2008 issue. Our Marine Electrical System ebook, available at www.practical-sailor/books covers everything for lightning protection to batteries and charging systems.


Ultraviolet rays can make quick work of the clear plastic on your cockpit dodgers and enclosures. And some chemical cleaners can actually do more harm than good (see PS July 2015). We sift through the choices for you in several articles that are linked to our Inside Practical Sailor blog post “The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Clear Plastic.” And for a full rundown of all the various cleaning and care concoctions for cleaning and preserving your boat, you can download the complete ebook series, Marine Cleaners, at www.practical-sailor.books.


Whether it’s a replacement barometer you’re looking for (see PS July 2017) or just a how-to guide to the latest meteorological resources available online, you can find it in our archives. Be sure to read our May 2017 report “Marine Weather Forecasting,” which delves into the tools that modern mariners use to get accurate forecasts at sea. If you check in at our online bookstore, you’ll find our newest 3-volume eBook, “Hurricane Preparedness Guide.” Don’t let the name fool you. This comprehensive report will help ensure your moored, docked, or anchored boat is best prepared to survive everything from summer squalls to Mediterranean mistrals.