Download The Full December 2020 Issue PDF

  • Underwater Epoxy
  • Stop Gelcoat Chafe
  • Patching Boat Leaks
  • Curing Drysuit Stink
  • Repairing Rain Gear
  • Digital Diagnostics
  • Danger Down Below
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  1. Why does Practical Sailor regard me as not currently a subscriber, when I sent in my renewal check for $59 on October 30, 2020. Moreover my login password does not permit access to the December issue even though the website shows me as logged in. I can best be reached at 206-979-4462. Thank you in advance for your help

    My bank shows my personal check as having cleared.

    Guy Buell 30 year subscriber.
    9921 S. 267th St., Kent Washington 98030. Member number on your last mailing #80007822760#R678411

  2. We just signed up for a subscription, including print and are really looking forward to this as winter in Calgary, Alberta, Canada is very not boating friendly ;( My wife and I hope that this subscription will provide us with a dose of light to last the long cold winter. In Calgary, winter lasts for 29 months of the year, and we have one day of summer and that is normally cancelled (YMMV). Just learned that VanIsle360 is cancelled for 2021 and this is a super shame as we were planning to race that one and look for some sponsorship too. Now we might just practice sail with friends the router once or twice in 2021. Sorry, I am web rambling.