Winter Projects on Tap


Spring may still seem like a long way off, but the spring will be upon us before we know it. Don’t wait until the last minute to take care of maintenance chores or upgrades you’ve been putting off.

Sail Cleaning

For tips and product recommendations regarding sail cleaning, check out the “Dealing with Dirty Sails” Inside PS blog post and the April 15, 2002 PS Advisor in our online archive.

You’ll also find articles on canvas care (February 2014 issue) in the online archive, and head-to-head product tests of mildew treatments and stain removers (November 2013 issue). If you’re the DIY type, the blog post “Homemade Mildew Preventers that Really Work” offers a recipe for an effective, homemade mildew preventer.

System Upgrades

If you’re adding or upgrading a wind-sensing system, our three-part series on wind instruments and a review of the Maretron ultrasonic wind sensors are must-reads. The series launched in the March 2014 issue, and Part 2 looked at data displays and user interface (May 2014 issue). Part 3 (August 2014) focused on the best system combinations, while PS March 2015 focused on ultrasonic products.

Pre-season housekeeping is also a good time to check your sanitation system. How are your joker valves holding up (see July 2013 online)? Is the holding tank stench unbearable (see March 2012 and December 2013 online)? Or is it time for a new throne? Check out our tests of electric-flush toilets (February 2011), vacuum-flush toilets (August 2011), and composting toilets (November 15, 2002). If you prefer to have all in one place—rather than searching for them individually online—you’ll like the “Marine Sanitation Systems” two-part ebook series, which is available in the PS online bookstore. Part 1 looks at toilets, while Part 2 examines holding tanks, plumbing, and odor control.

PS’s Exclusive Ebooks

Our new three-volume water report will ensure that your crew will stay healthy and hydrated with clean, fresh-tasting water straight from your tanks. Volume One compares the most popular water filters on the marine market and describes some cost-saving do-it-yourself options. In Volume Two you’ll learn secrets to ensuring that your water supply remains clean and good-tasting throughout your voyage. In Volume Three, you’ll see the results of our head-to-head testing of the major brands of watermakers sold today. Available at